Thursday 16 December 2010

Good mothers, in-touch momma's

I am aware of two women whom i respect as 'good' mothers, who are in tune with tehir offspring.

One mother 'Earth' and one whose name means Dawn in arabic. I met them both in San Francisco while pregnant and educating myself on birthing naturally.

They see the divinity in their children. Earth said today "If i lived in another culture, i know they'd take her to become a priestess"
and Dawn named her son "life knowing Om" but in hebrew, arabic, and... the sanskrit Om.

When a baby fusses and they hear it, they see what the baby wants. They don't go "egh, what now?"

They appreciate the presence of their children in their lives, take the challenges in stride and as opportunities for learning and growth, and respect their children for being teachers, for coming into our lives, for being here...

I need women like that around me occasionally, to remind me to stay strong, aurically, spiritually, physically, emotionally... To not give in to the inauspicious, unbeneficial, unharmonious ways of childrearing that permeate mainstream culture.

Yeah, all three of us sorta look like androgenous bohemians and eat jicama chips and hummus wiht a lot of garlic in it. I think we're doign okay :) I think this is okay. I think its okay to spoil my infant, and be his servant for now. Hell no when he's 5 will i be serving him, but i will remain open and honest with him, assuming that he understands what i am saying to him and has the capacity to comprehend the world... without keeping things from him.

I think he'll understand when i tell him what a 'social taboo' is. I think he'll understand if i have to explain to him that some herbs can be smoked and not have the same unhealthy effects of cigarettes. I think he'll understand when i explain to him that, 'so-and-so loves you, but dont listen to waht they say all the time.' because there are somet hings i just dont want him picking up or integrating into his world schema (to be deconstructed later on his healing path!)

He already understands so much. and he's only 5 months old.

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