Saturday 27 November 2010

Hot Baths for baby

Yes, this is certainly unconventional, but it felt so amazing.
Its cold in San Francisco. I had some bath salts, specifically some Moldavite bath salts, and I was ready for the transformation that it warned against on the warning. "Don't use it if you're not really ready." It warns ominously and promisingly. Placebo? Perhaps. But whatever, it worked.

Last night we celebrated Thanksgiving, and at 8pm Mattheus was suckling and dozing and some laughter woke him up. He cried, and I decided the Right Mother thing to do was to go home and let him sleep properly. That night, sleep happened sporadically as usual. We didn't wake up completely until 9am, though, which is two hours later than usual. After a full morning of doing things, I was cold and wanted a hot bath. I filled it, jumped in while it filled and while he watched Baby Mozart, and made noises under water and became transformed. Then, getting him, and in his wearable blanket, I introduced him to the water. He played happily, but with that kinda crazy, strung-out look in his eye, like he was definitely tired and deprived of restful sleep. I pushed the limits of the bath, and as I toweled him off, he began to cry. After baths I let him go diaper-free. I think that will be a tradition, because its so convenient. Plus, chances are he isn't going to poop. He cried and cried, and I let him cry by my breast. I know he's tired. I know he's got a lot of issues with this world. I called this "the 5th world" to him in passing, saying I understand its different, but This is It. Earlier, in the tub, he had been crawling out of the water onto my chest with my assistance, of course. It was very reptilian, and i came to understand that the transition from womb to the earth matrix is oftentimes rough, the landing harsh.

I've been napping with him, and sleeping with him, letting him suckle whenever, but I know he wants more rest. So do I. And its really a day-to-day thing, so it could change in an instance. Maybe tonight will be the first night I am not woken up through the night to care for him. Maybe the transition to this 5th World is complete (but then whats the 6th world? Does it ever end? I sppose its when the transitions are so smooth that you don't even notice anymore and have thus entered into the flow...)

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