Saturday 2 April 2011

Name thyself, Give me a name

Dear Child,
I have named you with great thought and many hours of contemplation. Names are plentiful in this world, and so is meaning. I have named you with just a few meanings in mind. I considered what I wanted to remember when calling to you. I wanted to remind myself of the gift i received from spirit on october 31st 2010. I couldn't do justice to the experience of angelic communication in just a name. I hoped for a 'pop-in' name, and so it occurred a few nights before your birth, something along the line of "Mateo." Then, thinking of all the greek names whose essence i enjoyed, it morphed into Mattheus, and upon looking up the meaning i was pleased to find it meant "Gift of God" or "From Theos" But that's just your mainstream-society name. Close enough to Matthew, and just a little bit off to be hip. And you are Echo, you are Kosmo, you are Echoing Kosmos. And thus you are named.

But of course, feel free to choose your name, to name yourself. I only had 9 months to think of something, and then after you were born, it still took me a month to finally reach a decision, and i was only able to come to it by saying "fuck it, i'm thinking too much!" So please, name thyself, claim thyself.

And if you could do me a huge favor, please give me a name, too. Since elementary school i have wanted a new name. Not that there's anything wrong with Emmy, but there was so much identitiy loaded ontop of my concept of what it means to be "Emmy" and i can hardly assume that 'momma' would suffice as a new name. So, when the time comes, and something appropriate pops into your name, well, i just can't wait to hear what it is!

Thank you in advance.

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