So i went on youtube and put in 'breastfeeding 8' because my friend had mentioned a funny video she saw of an older child 'must have been like 8 or something' having a fit and the mothers reaction and then the nursing, and i saw a bunch of videos of 7 year olds nursing. Then there was a
talkshow called 'the doctors'where they discussed the issue.
Interesting facts that i will keep in mind for future conversations that will undoubtedly come up as i do not wean him at an expected time frame, or as the timeframe nears where i should be weaning him:
Worldwide average is 4 years of age (Yes but thats in developing countries where its convenient and they dont have food!)
Typically, a child will wean himself between 2 and 7 years of age. (but its socially awkward to have a walking, talking child at your breast!)
The health benefits do not stop at a certain age as people sometimes believe.
The reason i'd like to nurse is because its intimate, its nurturing, its comforting, and i do not think that independence will confidently come about by weaning him. I think its a wonderful idea to keep nursing as a tool for when he is inconsolably irritated by an ear infection or some other dis-ease which i can do nothing about. Also mentioned in the video was that the illnesses are less severe and pass quicker. I like that!
Anyway, the social awkwardness will have to be addressed. i hope this doenst bring my mother any grief!